Just a Moment - The Aphant and The Now
In the post Times Past and Times Future we spoke about how the limited ability to visualise the past or the future led to the Aphant potentially ‘living in the moment’. Superficially ‘living in the moment’ sounds quite attractive not dissimilar to ‘living for the moment’, that heady rush of being exhilarated by and having a heightened sense of the now, enjoying every breath “Bliss it was in that dawn to be alive. But to be young was very heaven” and all that. The Aphant though is perhaps more caught in the moment than living for it as in the absence of the cushion of visualisation the Aphant is forever in the bright headlights of the now. Thoughts and ideas will pop into the Aphant’s mind sometimes fast and furiously. Unaccompanied, mediated or delayed by any accompanying visual images this rat-a-tat-tat of ideas means the Aphant can often think and respond faster than the visualiser. In certain situations like for example a quick-fire quiz round or a brain storming s...